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Our inventory and prices of Cavitrons varies and is always changing.  Please call for avilibility and price.


Refurbished Cavitrons

  • We specialize in servicing Dentsply Cavitrons and Cavijets - all models, even those that seem too old to fix.

    Dentsply is the best known brand in the industry but repair costs from the factory or distributor are very expensive compared to ours.  They won't sell replacement circuit boards to you or anyone else.  We troubleshoot and repair Dentsply circuit boards at the component level and are skilled in both the electrical and mechanical aspects of these systems.  

    If you are considering replacing your Denstply Cavitron, please check out our new line of Scalers.  They are a low cost alternative that work as well as any top of the line unit.  

    We also fix Steri-mate handpieces! 

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